7 simple ways to create engaging hands-on learning
Before we talk about how to create the hands-on learning for your kids, let's have a minute to name some of the great benefits:
Follow these simple rules to create an engaging learning experience. I organise my learning and playing on a tuff tray, because they keep all the bits in one place. It is the hands-on learning station in our house, and here are simple tips how to make it:
Set up activities to improve the tray like making road signs, make a pirate, name the train stops or learn about polygons by making some. Here you can see my 3 year old practicing writing numbers and my 7 year old learning how to spell the work "station". Seriously, how do you think I could normally get them to do this? It's called the purpose of writing. and the polygon was made by both of them exploring the shapes. Muahahaha
Include the children in tidying up, but don’t say “let’s tidy up”. Make it as an extension to the game. I love to use tall pasta/ cereal containers to scoop up the water and sort out the sensory bits. I simply give them to the kids and say let's sort those things out so we can make space for more exciting things tomorrow. The other super way to empty the water tray is to use an electric water pump! We love it!
Are you interested in some themed play and learn ideas for your hands-on learning station? Check 5 Minutes Tuff Trays