This article is an answer to few questions that I hear a lot: What are Sats? How to get ready for KS1SATs? How to practice for tests? Which books to buy?
What are KS1SATs?
SATs aim to assess your child’s reading, maths, and in some schools, grammar, punctuation and spelling skills. Here is the good news: from this year schools can decide if they want Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test. Ask your child's teacher.
KS1SATs are not the only evidence of your child’s progress. Teachers will also look at overall performance/ work throughout the school year. We can argue if SATs are good for our children or not, but they are staying till 2023.
How to get your child ready to answer SATs type questions?
I recommend books that have SATs style questions.
I have tried quite a lot of KS1SATs booster books. There is so many of them on a market! I have picked my top 3, that I use not only with my son, but also with all the kids that I teach. Each book contains 10 SATs style tests designed to complete in 10 minutes. However, don't use a timer, allow your child any time they want. SATs are not strictly timed!
Those books will also give you great tips to tackle the questions, all the information needed and they have a progress chart.
I recommend to do the tests with your child, because there might be questions that they still cannot answer. Treat them as a way to find out what else you need to learn.
There are 2 parts of each test. One for grammar and punctuation, and the second for spellings. Each is designed to last 10 min. The spelling test is really hard, so tell your child that you are doing this test only to find out which words we need to learn, and not to check his/her knowledge. The words in this test you will find on Year 2 Spellings list, which is quite long.
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