Reading and writing numbers up to 100

Encourage your child to count everything. Make it fun, for example you can count the steps form the door to the end of your garden. While practicing writing numerals pay attention to the place value (meaning which number comes first).

Making numbers GAME

Roll 2 dice. Look what you got, which numbers can you make? Write down the possibilities.

place value

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Teach your child to distinguish between tens and ones. Numicon is great for that. Simply try to make a number line from 0 to 20 using numicon shapes. Talk about which numicon pieces to use, what do you notice (we have all the tens at the top and different ones at the bottom, each number starting from 11 has them both).

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Interlocking cubes

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Number square

This link is for a pack of 10. I like this particular hundred square because it has wipeable blank grid at the back. It will help your child to write their own hundred square. I couldn't find a single one from this brand, so please talk to your friends and get them together.

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.

How many legs?

Use a large hundred square. Each time a new animal joins the party count the legs and cross the correct amount on a hundred square. At the end you will have the amount of legs that came in.

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.


Click on the picture to view it on amazon.

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