Counting on and back in ones, twos, fives, tens to 100

You probably have started counting in 2s, 5s and 10s in Reception, now you need to become quicker and start counting back.

Count in 1s

Make sure your child is secure with counting in 1s before moving on to counting in a pattern.

Count in 2s

Super Tip: Count in pattern: count '1' quietly and '2' loud, '3' quietly and '4' loud. They will get the idea very fast.

Make it

Bean bags with numbers

bean bags

Make bean bags with numbers. I filled mine with rice. It’s cheaper.

How many legs came to tea?

lego people in 2s

Count legs of lego/duplo people that you invited to tea.

You can also line up toys in pairs to go for a walk and count how many we have.

Mark your hundred square

hundred square

Use a coloured, but still see through, tape and mark all the even numbers on a number line to 20 or a hundred square. Every day ask your child to read them outloud.

Static notes number line

static notes 2

Make a number line in 2s using static notes and stick to the wall, window, wherever you want. It is mess free.

Click here to view them on amazon

Buy it

Numicon number line

You might already have it, if you bought the numicon pack, but if not, then you can also buy it separately.

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.

Count in 5s

Make it

Static notes number line

static notes 5

Make a number line in 5s using static notes and stick to the wall, window, wherever you want. It is mess free.

Click here to view them on amazon

Bean bags with numbers

bean bags

Make bean bags with numbers. I filled mine with rice. It’s cheaper. Use a fabric glue to stick the numbers on them.

Buy it

Number square

Use coloured, but still see through, tape and mark all required numbers. Every day ask your child to read them with you.

This link is for a pack of 10. I like this particular hundred square as it is wipeable and reusable. I couldn't find a single one from this brand, so please talk to your friends and get them together.

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.


Get abacus. It is great for building the understanding of counting in 5s.

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.

Numicon number line

You might already have it, if you bought the numicon pack, but if not, then you can also buy it separately.

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.

Interlocking cubes

Join the cubes in blocks of 5.

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.

Count in 10s

Make it

10s magnets and dice

Make your own dice:0-50 and 50-100. Write number 10 on top of fridge magnets.

Static notes number line

s notes 10

Make a 10s number line in using static notes and stick to the wall, window, wherever you want. It is mess free.

Click here to view them on amazon

Bean bags with numbers

bean bags

Make bean bags with numbers. I filled mine with rice. It’s cheaper.

Buy it

Hundred square

Use coloured, but still see through, tape and mark all required numbers. Every day ask your child to read them with you.

This link is for a pack of 10. I like this particular hundred square as it is wipeable and reusable. I couldn't find a single one from this brand, so please talk to your friends and get them together.

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.


Get abacus. It is great for building the understanding of counting in 10s. each time you move a row you add another 10.

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.

Numicon number line

You might already have it, if you bought the numicon pack, but if not, then you can also buy it separately.

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.

Numicon set

Numicon is great to build your child's undrstanding of numbers. In this set you will find enough 10 frames to count to 100. Use them to help your child understand the process.

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.

Interlocking cubes

Join the cubes in groups of 10 and play a game

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.

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