Solving problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts.

This is the most difficult goal to achieve, but try to enjoy building understadning in your child's mind.

Tips for problem solving

  • Let your child to use a resources that they want.
  • Create your own maths problems using real life examples: There are 5 tables in your classroom, at each table sit 6 kids. How many children are in your class altogether?
  • Remember maths is everywhere! Don’t forget to count muffins, or doughnuts on a tray.
  • Take a picture and/or video of them explaining what they are doing. Ask your child to explain their thinking.
  • Offer different strategies if your child gets stuck.
  • Do little evaluation when you complete the task. Talk about what went well, what went wrong and how can we get better next time.
  • Share your picture with us!

Fair Shares Game

sharing division

You can play with your child or set a game for him/her using gloves. You need 2 players or required amount of gloves (can be 2 or 3 or 4 depending how good your child is getting at this), dice with numbers, counters.

Have a pile of counters(you can put them in a little basket or a bowl) ready, and gloves or your hands. The youngest player rolls the dice first. If the numbers of counters (in this case fruit) can be evenly shared than go for it, if not, the sweets are going in the middle (we call it food waste bin).The game finishes when you run out of fruit counters from a pile (basket).

Lego baddies sharing their swag bag


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KS1 Problem Solving Book 1

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KS1 Problem Solving Book 2

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KS1 Problem Solving Book 3

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Mental Maths 1

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Mental Maths 2

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