Finding one more or one less than any number from 1 to 20
Start with building the skill by understanding how the numbers grow or shrink. Use magnets or…
Estimating a number of objects and checking by counting
Put water beads, marbles and water in a water tray. Ask your children to hide when you fill up a…
Finding the total number of items in two groups by counting them all.
Use any toys, pens, sticks, pine cones that you might have around you. If you are outdoors, use pine…
Understanding addition and subtraction
Use actions to help your child remember the signs and distinguish between them better. Keep swapping…
Doubling and halving
Doubling Place toys on a flat surface, put a mirror next to them and watch how easily you doubled…
Counting aloud in ones, twos, fives, tens
Count in 2s Super Tip: Count in pattern: count '1' quietly and '2' loud, '3' quietly and '4' loud…
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