Recalling and using addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, and derive and use related facts up to 100.
Number bonds to 20 Make a quick worksheet to practice. I used my toddler's beads you can also…
Adding and subtracting numbers
Two-digit number and ones Use whatever your child likes and is countable. join and add the bonds…
Adding and subtracting two-digit number and ones
Adding and subtracting double-digit numbers
Double-Digit Numbers Have a go Have a go Here is even easier methond: This is probably the…
Adding and subtracting two-digit number and tens
Two-digit number and tens Write one number under the other to help to understand that the ones don…
Adding and subtracting three single digits
Three single digits Can you spot number bonds? Can you spot doubles? No doubles, no bonds? Try this…
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