Adding and subtracting numbers

Adding and subtracting numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representation, and mentally, including: a two-digit number and ones a two-digit number and tens two two-digit numbers adding three one-digit numbers.

Two-digit number and ones

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Concrete manipulatives

adding and subtracting

Use whatever your child likes and is countable.

Look first for number bonds to 10 or doubles

join and add the bonds first

adding and subtracting

Mental Maths Addition

Mental Maths Subtraction

15-3= Put number 15 (always bigger number in your head, small show using fingers) in your head, then show me 2 fingers. Well done, now it shows ‘-’ sign, which means take away/subtract, it means that we need to count backwards or forwards? Right, backwards. Ok, 15 in your head, let’s fold the two fingers as we count, look at the fingers 14, 13! Yes, where did we stop? 12! YAY

Two-digit number and tens

Make it


adding and subtracting

Write one number under the other to help to understand that the ones don’t change. You simply add zero.


You have a go


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Hundred square

hundred square

Move down or up one row. It will help your child to visualize where the number is, and where do you want it to go.

Click here to find a pack on amazon

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.


Use numicon to show that you only add tens, the ones don’t change.


Click here to view it on amazon

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.

Two double-digit numbers

Make it

Addition: Drawing Tens and Ones

Subtraction: Drawing Tens and Ones


Have a go


Chopping numbers = partitioning = regrouping

Have a go


Here is even easier methond:

Addition in columns

This is probably the easiest technique. Your child will be using it a lot in the future, so it is very important to get it right. Start first with numbers,that total of ones does not exceed 10. When this is mastered, move on to extras

Subtraction in columns with borrowing

Download practice worksheets for double digits addition and subtraction

Make it

Double Digit Addition

addition challenge

Your printable pdf is here

Double Digit Subtraction

addition challenge

Your printable pdf is here

Three single digits

Make it

Adding 3 single digits

Can you spot number bonds?

Can you spot doubles?

No doubles, no bonds? Try this!


First add any two numbers together,next use your mental maths from adding'two-digit number and ones' and add them up.

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My First Addition Snap Game

You might think that this game is too easy because it is using numbers up to 10 (children will be trying to snap cards with matching answers, for example 6 + 2 with 4 + 4) but it is perfect if your child needs to speed up mental calculations.

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.

My First Subtraction Snap Game

You might think that this game is too easy because it is using numbers up to 10 (children will be trying to snap cards with matching answers, for example 5 - 2 with 10 - 7) but it is perfect if your child needs to speed up mental calculations.

Click on the picture to view it on amazon.

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