To achieve this goal your child will need to learn to recognise tens and ones in a number.
Explain on which straw we put tens, and on which ones. Give examples of tens (20) and ones (4). Ask your child to roll the die for tens. If you get 4 then say it means there are 4 tens = 40. Each bead represents one ten. Count in tens if you have to. Encourage your child to thread the correct amount of beads on tens. Next, roll a die for 'ones'. If you get 6 explain what it means, it is just 6, we do not count in tens now, we need only ones, so we count in once. Ask your child to thread the right amount of beds on ones straw.
To make counters: You can use small magnets, blocks or little plain plastic counters. Whatever you can find at home. Use permanent black pen to write numbers on them.
Explain on which straw we put tens, and on which ones. Give examples of tens (20) and ones (4). Ask your child to roll the die for tens. If you get 4 then say it means there are 4 tens = 40. Each bead represents one ten. Count in tens if you have to. Encourage your child to thread the correct amount of beads on tens. Next, roll a die for 'ones'. If you get 6 explain what it means, it is just 6, we do not count in tens now, we need only ones, so we count in once. Ask your child to thread the right amount of beds on ones straw.
Roll a die twice. First time use the number as tens, second as ones. Write them on a board, and talk about the differences. “First we got a number 2, so let’s write it in tens part of our table. Next we got 3 let’s write it in ones. Ok, we have to show number 2 in tens, how many tens do we need? 2, right. Get two tens from a numicon pile. Great! How much is that? 20, yes! Now, ones. How many ‘ones’ do we need? 3. That’s right. Get three ones from our numicon pile. Job well done! We figure that our ourselves!” You can also use 10s die and ones.
Click here to view Numicon on amazon
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Teach your child to distinguish between tens and ones. Numicon is great for that. Simply try to make a number line from 0 to 20 using numicon shapes. Talk about which numicon pieces to use, what do you notice (we have all the tens at the top and different ones at the bottom, each number starting from 11 has them both).
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Click on the picture to view it on amazon.
Click here to view interlocking cubes on amazon
Click on the picture to view it on amazon.